Pain at the Back of Your Foot Could Be Achilles Tendonitis Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore

Have you ever had a persistent pain in the back of your foot that won’t go away? If this is the case, you may have Achilles Tendinitis. That thick tendon that connects your heel bone to your strong calf muscles. The good news is that you don’t have to be a legendary hero to overcome this frustrating injury.

The bad news is that if left untreated, it can seriously interfere with your training program and daily activities. But don’t be afraid; you’ve got this. You’ll return to your usual self with a few lifestyle modifications, stretching exercises, and the correct treatment. Continue reading.

What Is the Achilles Tendon?

The Achilles tendon links your Calf Muscle to your heel bone and is placed at the back of your ankle joint. Walking, running, and jumping all rely on this tendon. Without it, you couldn’t push off with your foot or lift your heel off the ground.

Achilles tendonitis is a condition when the Achilles tendon becomes inflamed or irritated. Pain usually becomes worse with exercise and gets better with relaxation. The affected area may also enlarge or stiffen.

Achilles tendinitis is frequent in runners, particularly those who increase their speed or intensity too rapidly. It can also happen to individuals who need to get used to working out regularly.

Don’t let this pain in the ankle slow you down for long. Get the best treatment from Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore to back into your usual activities gradually.

Common Causes of Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is generally caused by repetitive stress on your Achilles tendons. The following are the most typical causes:

Overuse or Sudden Injury

If you increase your activity level too soon or participate in activities requiring a lot of jumping or changing directions, your Achilles tendons will be under extra strain. A sudden rise in hill running or stair walking can also irritate. Wearing high heels over extended periods could damage the tendon.

Tight Calf Muscles

Because your calf muscles attach to your Achilles tendons, tight calf pressure on the tendons. Stretch your lower legs regularly, especially before and after exercise. Calf muscular tension can also be relieved using foam rolling or massage therapy.

Faulty Foot Mechanics

Overpronation (rolling your feet inward) or high arches can change how your feet absorb shock and strain the tendons more significantly. These difficulties may be helped by insoles or supportive footwear.


Our tendons lose some softness as we age, making them less resistant to minor tears and swelling. While aging cannot be avoided, being active and stretching daily can assist in delaying or preventing age-related tendonitis.

To avoid a second injury, address the root cause, rest your tendons, and make gentle changes. Icing, over-the-counter pain relievers, physical therapy exercises, and supporting or fixing the ankle may also help reduce pain during healing. You’ll return to your normal activities in no time if you have patience and sufficient care.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis can cause heel pain, especially during or after hard working out. This Achilles tendon inflammation can cause discomfort, edema, and discomfort. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

Pain in the Back of Your Heel

The most typical symptom is pain in the back of your heel, which gets worse by exercise or walking hills. The discomfort may begin mildly but gradually worsen over weeks or months.

Stiffness and Swelling

Your heel area may feel stiff, particularly in the morning or after sitting for a long time. Swelling or thickening of the tendon may also occur. Squeeze your calf muscle gently—if it’s painful, swollen, or warm to the touch, the tendon may be swollen.


As the discomfort worsens, you may begin limping to avoid putting weight on your heel. As a result of the change in walking, you may get pain in your knee, hip, or back.

Loss of Flexibility

If you have tendonitis for a long time, the tendon can become less flexible and adaptable, restricting your ankle’s range of motion. You may find it challenging to stretch your foot upwards towards the back of your leg.

Squeezing Causes Tenderness.

Massage the back of your heel gently—if it’s very tender, the tendon is swollen. A thickened, tight region in the tendon may be felt.

The good news is that most cases of Achilles tendonitis will be cured on their own within a few months with proper rest, physical therapy, ice, and bracing. However, consult Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore if your pain is severe or does not improve.

Treatment for Achilles Tendonitis

If you have Achilles tendonitis, various treatment options are available to assist ease your discomfort and swelling. The objective is to begin therapy as soon as possible to avoid potential long-term damage

Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation

For most tendon injuries, the R.I.C.E. approach has proven to be effective. Avoid activities that worsen your pain to rest the tendon. To minimize swelling, apply ice for 15-20 minutes at a time several times daily. Bandage the region and raise your foot above heart level whenever possible.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy activities can help strengthen and stretch your Achilles tendon after the initial irritation is gone. Trying, maintaining, and a physical therapist may use range-of-motion exercises. They may also advise you on protecting or taping measures to help support and stabilise your tendon during movement or activity.


Pain and inflammation can be relieved with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen. If necessary, Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore may also prescribe more vital medicines. In some circumstances, steroids are utilised to relieve severe inflammation, although they only provide brief relief.


Surgery may be advised as a last resort for persistent or severe cases of Achilles tendinitis that do not improve with conventional therapies. Tendon straightening or cleaning to remove injured tissue are the most prevalent techniques. Although recovery can take many months, surgery is often the most long-term treatment for pain relief and function restoration.

When to See an Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore

If rest and at-home therapies don’t relieve your heel pain, it’s time to see an Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore. Dr. Virendra Chandore can accurately diagnose the source of your discomfort and offer a treatment plan that will work for you.

See the Doctor If:

  • The Pain Is Severe or Persistent, Lasting More Than a Few Weeks.
  • Swelling, Redness, or Bruising Is Present.
  • You Have Trouble Walking or Putting Weight on Your Heel.
  • Conservative Treatments Like Rest, Icing, Physical Therapy or Orthotics Haven’t Helped.
  • You Have Pain or Weakness That Radiates Up into Your Calf.

The Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore may request imaging tests such as an X-ray, MRI, or ultrasound after examining your heel and ankle to look for damage or rips in the Achilles tendon. The most typical causes they will investigate are:

  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Ankle Sprain or Fracture

Other causes: Issues like arthritis, gout, stress fractures or plantar fasciitis could also be responsible for your heel pain.

Seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon in Indore is the best approach to find out what’s causing your heel pain and get a treatment plan to cure your symptoms so you can resume your daily activities. Make an appointment for a review, accurate diagnosis, and treatment as soon as possible.


You now understand that a sharp pain in the back of your heel could indicate Achilles tendinitis. The good news is that it is frequently treatable if found early. Resting the tendon, icing it, and taking an anti-inflammatory medication should help minimise discomfort and swelling.

Stretching and strengthening your calf muscles will also help you recover and avoid flare-ups in the future. While the myth of Achilles’ invulnerability has been disproved, you can take precautions to avoid becoming your own Achilles heel. Pay attention to your body, and don’t dismiss the first touch of discomfort.

If the discomfort lasts over a few days, consult an Orthopedic Surgeon in Indoreimmediately. After all, the condition of the tendon determines your capacity to walk and run freely. Take care of Achilles and preserve your legend!

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